DNR Fun Teams

DNR Fun Teams

This event takes place on St. Patrick's Day. It is a qualifier for the National Fun Teams, which takes place on May 25 in Westmanstown. It is primarily a fun event. Each team consists of a Master, an Intermediate A, an Intermediate B and a Novice player. The Master & Novice play together, as do the Inter A & B. Players may opt to wear fancy dress and, while this is not required, it will be rewarded. Players on a given team do not all have to be members of the same club. However, they must all be members of a DNR affiliated club.

Date: Sunday March 17, 2024.
Time: 13:00 for one session.
Venue: Malahide Regional Bridge Club.
Table Money: €40.00 per team.
System: The system approved for this competition is identical to that prescribed by the CBAI for the National Fun Teams. To view it, click here.
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